DARK DARley & un spectacle dans un fauteuil
NSFW books, podcasts and films
Magnifying mirrors of different shapes and sizes were scattered around. Makeup was scattered on every flat surface even the floor. Look closely at each glowing woman, even closer.
San Francisco was two distinct places in those days. There was the world of the day. But when the sun went down the city lit up.
In the olden days of San Francisco that many look back upon as the Gilded Age, the sweet scent of freedom rolled in with the fog. It sprinkled from the sun like a fine glitter dust.
Wild Horses, the audio book
total running time 128 min.
Ce livre est un message d’encouragement à celles qui n’y sont pas arrivées et celles qui s’en sont sorties. Nous espérons qu’il serve de signal lumineux aux Alices encore à la dérive, un petit peu d’aide pour illuminer le chemin souvent traître d’un atterrissage en douceur.
Photographs with accompanying text from fictional accounts of the Alices, women struggling to maintain their dignity and unique identities in a harsh world.
Alice With Nowhere to Land, the audio book
Eleven stories of shadows cast in the nighttime.
A tale in words and pictures.
Photographs and commentary on the life and short times of a band that formed in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1979.
Floyd meets Lilly at a party in New York City. The story of their first meeting under the watchful eye of Dragon.
Three star-crossed lovers exchange their thoughts and feeling in a beachfront hotel room. Mr Dawes' play is presented as "un spectacle dans un fauteuil," a early 19th century invention of the French dramatist